Finding Your Passion for Changing Career Path

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Spirit Panda Coaching helps conscientious young adults acquire a success mindset and the life skills necessary to thrive at work and in life.

Finding Your Passion for Changing Career Path

Finding Your Passion for Changing Career Path

It really SUCKS to feel a stagnant and unhappy week after week. I frequently hear clients and others around me talk about how unsatisfying their jobs can be. 

"I don't get along with my boss. He's so insensitive"

"I'm tired of working 60-80 hour weeks for a job I don't care for"

"I'm dreading waking up every Monday to the same unfulfilling job" 

When we are stuck in a 9-5 and don't like what we do, it's inevitable to feel trapped and immersed in the toll it takes on our lives.

Feeling unmotivated is hard. But, what's even harder is witnessing others have the financial resources at hand to help them figure-it-out and not investing in assistance to find a solution. Hard is giving up before we get started. 

Here are 3 things I wish I knew before I changed careers:

1- Get clear on your core values
- this is key to better understanding what matters to you and the life you want to live. You are unique and have a lot to offer. What are those core strengths and values that make you an essential part of a team or individual contributor? Everyone wins when you use your core strengths to create and collaborate.

2- You are what you put your time towards - how do you enjoy spending most of your time? Whatever comes naturally and you enjoy putting your time towards is your sweet-spot, everyone can benefit from your knowledge and dedication in whatever field of interest. Are you an avid gamer? Then consider a career as a coder or in tech. Are you addicted to personal growth and learning like I am? Become a coach or a therapist. There is a need for innovation and specialists in every field of work. Where can your talents be best leveraged? Find your niche!

2- Get an accountability partner - I've been working since I was 13 years old and every job I've had had an expiration date. It didn't matter how good my managers could be or how many benefits my job could provide, I always knew that I wanted more out of my career. Once this was clear, I sought assistance through coaching to help me gain clarity in my career and life, level-up, and break the cycle. I could have saved myself a lot of painful career switchers if I had hired a coach sooner in my life.

Gift humanity the best of YOU through your passion for meaningful work. It's a win-win! Anything else is withholding and self-neglect...

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Spirit Panda Coaching has been helping young adults who struggle with finding their way after college to integrate into work and life with confidence and direction while leveraging the best of their sensitivity temperaments. As an HSP Business Coach, I am trained in guiding clients to a state of self-empowerment and success. All coaching sessions are remote, and you can schedule a 15 min complimentary consultation here.

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