We will join you as dependable thought partners guiding you to an eventual state of self-coaching and self-reliance you can harness for the rest of your life.

I am passionate and dedicated professional committed to guiding individuals on a transformative journey toward enhanced independence, confidence, communication, and self-acceptance.

With a wealth of experience in mental health and a Master’s in Psychology, I have helped individuals break free from self-limiting beliefs and cultivate the skills necessary for a more fulfilling life. Through a personalized and empathetic approach, I have created a supportive environment that fosters self-discovery and growth.

Along my journey, I have also found multiple artistic forms of expression and sought to help those around me discover what sparks their creativity. As an ex-professional dancer for the NBA, professional DJ, jewelry designer, and painter, I know how important it is to have a creative outlet or hobby in one's life. I am dedicated to helping others unlock their full potential!

Life is hard for everyone, but neurodivergent folks face many additional challenges. Challenges such as sensory sensitivities, executive disfunction, and difficulty communicating are common. Add in the pressures and changes of becoming an adult and suddenly the idea of navigating through these setbacks can go from exhausting to debilitating. It’s not impossible to overcome these limitations and having reliable support can be transformative.

I’m Amanda Miller, and I understand your journey because I have walked a similar path. As an autistic and ADHD individual, I’ve faced the challenges of transitioning into adulthood while navigating the complexities of my own neurodivergent mind. I can say firsthand that this is a unique and empowering coaching experience, where your neurodiversity is embraced and celebrated.

Personal growth is a lifelong process, but it doesn’t have to feel like an uphill battle all the time. In the time since I graduated high school, I’ve been through so many challenges – I changed colleges twice, got a culinary degree, spent 10 years as a chef, went back to school to pursue a degree in biology and jumpstart a major career change. During that time, I relied on the support of friends and family, went to therapy, and did my best to survive. When I finally decided to commit to working with a coach, I realized there were so many other ways to organize my life and achieve my goals - and I could do it in a way that aligned with my unique values and characteristics! This path has led me to a life full of self-love, abundance, and strategies to keep putting one foot in front of the other without facing constant burnout. 

Through one-on-one coaching, my goal is to nourish and inspire your mind to work in new, creative ways that align with your unique neurodivergence. My promise is that with equal parts commitment and creative collaboration, we can build a life strategy for you that is sustainable and fun!

Society has a way of convincing us that we should be reaching certain milestones in life by certain ages. Go to this school, get this career afterward, and marriage and homeownership soon follow. The constant pressures of trying to check society's imaginary boxes in a world consumed by social standards are higher now more so than ever. Life entering adulthood can be confusing, scary, and anxious to navigate sometimes. The wave of societal pressure sometimes feels like they are forcing you into directions you don’t have control over. Life can be this abundance of excitement and adventure, and I’m here to remind you that you too can be the captain of your ship.

I am Michael (Mike) Garcia, and I’m here to help you take command of your life and sail through the pressures of adulthood with confidence and direction while seeking out what happiness is defined as for your future. As a third-year psychology major at almost 30 years old who decided to leave one career in the Coast Guard for 10+ years and completely start fresh, I understand what it’s like to deal with the pressures of not knowing where to go after one career or start your first career post-military. I relied on one-on-one therapy and self-help books for many years to navigate my life transitions and eventually found a deeper understanding through coaching. Eventually, I found myself on my path working toward future endeavors that I have found true passion and love towards.

Through a client and coach relationship, together we can effectively help you deal with the pressures of facing life after graduation, and new career opportunities, and embark on a new chapter of adulthood by reaching a place of self-reliance, determination, and finding purpose. In any journey at sea, setting a course of directions and leaving room for drift is most desirable, and together we will help you find effective ways to find the most efficient and fulfilling course in your life.  My goal is to help each client sail through life with ease from the pressures of the waves of society behind them, find freedom in their passions, and have clearer views of their future goals and values. 

We live in a modern world with many choices and not one conventional path. Unfortunately, too many options can keep us in a state of paralysis and hold us back from making big leaps forward. It can create a constant state of confusion and an unsatisfied “comparison mindset” that bogs us down. But life doesn’t have to be this way.

I am Neftalí (Nef) Vélez, and I can help you navigate the opportunities and challenges in your life today so that you can define your own meaning of success—and enjoy the process of achieving it. I experienced the overwhelm of “Millennial burnout” and understand how anxious thoughts and a lack of fulfillment can inhibit our greatest self from shining. So I did the therapy, workshops, personal growth books, and spiritual exploration and learned how to create a life I truly love.

In my systematic coach/client collaborative process, together, we will proactively get you to an empowered state of accomplishment built to last long after our sessions together. My goal is to help each client feel stimulated and grow self-reliant for continued success.

My one-on-one coaching and accompanying tools have proven life-changing for those willing to invest the time and energy in themselves. True transformation comes from within—nurturing your mind and spirit is just as important as caring for your physical body. I invite you to join me in a healing and helpful collaborative coaching process. Access your own wisdom while learning proactive ways of attaining your greatest goals. I promise, your best life is abundant and waiting for you—and now is the time to receive it.

To explore working with me, sign up for a complimentary consultation.